SHEN® is the acronym for Specific Human Emotional Nexus. Richard Pavek, an American researcher, ascertained and established the physics of the biofield in 1977 and 1978. SHEN® was born, and over the next 18 years Richard worked out, researched and documented the unique principles of emotional dynamics and practice that guide SHEN® practitioners. Forty years on, Richard is still actively dedicated to fine-tuning current SHEN® practice.
Practice and Capacity of SHEN®
SHEN® adopts a scientifically researched concept of how emotions are somatically processed and merges it with the physics of the biofield (where emotions interact with the body). SHEN® teaches that most emotions are held in your torso at four main nerve plexus sites: the heart, solar plexus, below your navel and at the base of your spine. In a SHEN session, where your somatically held emotions are presently expressed determines an appropriate physio-emotional treatment plan for you. This allows for a powerful process of emotional healing and personal evolution from the inside out. SHEN® supports the body’s natural healing capacities. SHEN® can enhance emotional well-being and balance by resolving/easing anxiety, sleeping problems, nightmares, general and acute stress, panic attacks, migraines, unresolved grief, IBS, reactive depression, sexual and physical abuse, burn-out/overwhelm, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and by accelerating physical healing from injuries and operations. It has also helped in my practice with fertility issues and with balanced reduction in some psycho-therapeutic medications. It is a wonderful complement to existing psycho-therapeutic modalities as a deeply supportive somatic form and clearly assists in needed somatic release for many emotional based processes. It is also a great support for busy clinicians needing somatic release and ease. SHEN® works at it's very best when things are deeply challenging. It helps catch these emotional waves at these points of intensity and helps the body integrate experiences that can feel simply overwhelming. It helps support the body in it's deepest need for release and ease from emotional pain and yet is a wonderful tool for simple relaxation.
Shen Therapy NZ: http://shentherapynz.com/
Shen Therapy International: https://shentherapy.net/