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Supporting, strengthening & enlivening the emotional body's natural integrity.

Personally tailored therapeutic work for specific emotional/life challenges.

$100 - session lasts 2 hours (includes flower essences - a clear and targeted assist to unfolding emotional processes). Please note first session is usually 2 1/2 hours so costs $120- this can be negotiated for low income earners. 

Bringing the body and mind into deeper integration, communication and spaciousness. Focusing on areas of pain, tension and lack of resources, honouring the body's needs in the moment. A lovely opportunity for softening and strengthening. This is not an emotional targeted therapeutic form.

$70 for 1- 1 1/4 hours

Usually an adjunct to the SHEN® process, flower essences help supports the emotional body during times of challenge and change. For stand alone Flower Essence Therapy a session lasts 1 hour approximately and costs $70 including essences.


 Links: FES Flower Essences:

Bach Flower Essences:

A daily package for your staff's, clinician's, organisation's and retreat's needs
$300 (private space and a day required for therapeutic work)


NOTE: Negotiable rates dependent upon circumstance. This business has moved to a koha based model. All the above named prices are benchmarks of reciprocity- more or less to be offered as feels able and appropriate by the giver. Usury energies will be questioned and underlying constraints offered support, as appropriate. Respect and honour for personal and energetic integrity are the foundations here. Keeping energy cycling in a positive evolutionary manner is the principle of this business. May your desire for deeper integrity and also mine enrich each other.
Flower essences due to cost are outside of this koha (exceptions if benchmark met) and cost $15 per bottle.
Cancellation Policy: 24 hour notice of cancellation required. 50% charge for first missed session, 100% thereafter.

    © Michael Owen

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